First download EmailGmail.rar from the download section of my website:
Extract it to C: drive as shown in the figure below. You will able to see 3 different jar files in the folder EmailGmail which is inside C:
After this, set the classpath of the above 3 jar files as shown in the figure below.
Copy this line :
in the CLASSPATH variable.
After this restart the system.
If you are using IDE like Eclipse or Netbeans then you can simply import all the 3 jar files as shown below. There is no need of setting the class path.
After configuring this much, you need to just copy and paste the below sample program:
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
import javaemailgmail.EmailGmail;
* @author Siddharth
public class Main {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here
//Enter the username as shown above
//Enter the password
//to how many mail-id you want to send the message
//destination address
EmailGmail.GMAIL_SUBJECT="Test Mail";
//Enter suitable subject
EmailGmail.GMAIL_BODY_MESSAGE="Hello ";
//Enter the message
// if the above is set to false, you can send messages including html tags.
// if the above is true then you can send attachment with plain text but not html text
// set the above to false if u want to send simple text message without html tags
//Give the full path of the attachment, notice the double backslash, be careful.
//if this is false you will not be able to see the outputs of each and every step while mail is being sent in the command line
EmailGmail eg = new EmailGmail();
CAUTION: If you are still unable to send email then try disabling the firewall and antivirus.